Saturday, July 26, 2008

Defrazzle Your Christmas

By Darlene Hull

"Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don't quite know how to put our love into words.? ~ Harlan Miller

With holidays just around the corner, I thought I just give you a quick list of ten ways to defrazzle your Christmas. Here goes:

1. Use a calendar. Get one that is small enough to carry in your purse. Attach a pen to it, and keep track of everything that's happening. Make sure you guard 2-3 evenings a week for quiet nights at home.

2. Declutter, but don't deep clean. Start in the room you most often visit in, and just declutter the surfaces, putting things away. Then guard those tidy surfaces, and get your family to help keep them tidy.

3. Shop simply and keep to your budget. Here's what we did when budgeting was tight ? I spent $20.00 on everyone's stocking, and did my best to include at least one small gift that they would really appreciate, and then everyone got $20.00 and we visited the sales on Boxing Day. We had so much fun it has become a tradition. Spend an afternoon doing ?Gifts in a Jar? for friends and family.

4. Keep decorating simple. I give you permission to not decorate your house like a magazine. A little greenery, a table centre with a scented candle and a tree are all you need.

5. Cook in batches. Instead of eating out too often because of the stress of preparations, make double batches of your meals in November and freeze them to eat in December. Saves time and money!

6. Save your Christmas letter for Spring. Everyone gets so many letters at Christmas that none are really written, read, or enjoyed properly. Take time at a less stressful time of the year to keep in touch with friends and family.

7. Call instead of sen
ding cards. It's cheaper these days in most cases, and much more personal and appreciated. Try calling one person every day in December and let them know that this is their Christmas card!

8. Listen to stories: Light the fire, get an afghan and hot chocolate, and put on an audio book from the library. Start with classics like ?A Christmas Carol? or ?The Littlest Angel?

9. Get in touch with your spiritual side: visit a local church and sing some carols by candlelight. You don't have to ascribe to their teachings just to visit, and it might well surprise you how much it helps your soul.

10.Go to and learn about their Rudolph Club to get a head start on organizing the holidays for next year!

Well, that?s a good number of tips for getting you started on the right foot. Remember, it shouldn?t just be about Christmas Day any more than having a child is all about giving birth. It?s just the beginning of a new journey of family times and adventures.

Darlene Hull is an ordinary, imperfect mom who sees her mission as helping moms look after themselves so that they can better look after their families. Darlene is married to Tom and has two children ? Simon (12) and Christina (11) whom she home- schools. You can find out more about her on her website at where she is giving away FREE ?Mom-Defrazzlers? to moms who are needing encouragment and great ideas for joyfully being the best mom they can be.