Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Perfect Christmas Gift

By: Jay Moncliff

We all love gifts. During a festival, like Christmas, everyone is in the gift giving spirit and each one wants the gift to be cherished by its recipient. Children especially go crazy, demanding the latest gadgets or the newest toys on the shelf. Advertisements on TV too encourage you to buy the latest in the market, irrespective of the cost. After all we are living in a material world.

However if you look back or ask a few friends you will find that the most cherished gifts are not any of these fancy gadgets. What you remember after a decade or so is not the superman suit or the Barbie set; it is not at all proportional to the cost or the demand of the item.

What counts are the memories associated with the gifts. Children remember their parents taking time out to watch a play together or go for an outdoor activity. They cherish the smiles, joys, jokes associated with these gifts more than the gifts themselves.

A little study ad you will realize that children long for your time. They cannot demand so and hence indirectly demand the rarest or a difficult to attain gift. In order to please our children we are able to spare time and scour for the gift in different supermarkets, but why do we not just spend that time more valuably with the children themselves.

Certain pointers to consider before you go about purchasing a gift are:

Think about the time you spend together with your children. Have you gone recently for a trek or a picnic? Does your child have a favorite outing he recollects?

You can build upon this by doing things together. This can be a perfect gift. Try to get reservations for a family vacation, even if it is only for the weekend. Or you could book tickets for a play or a circus show. Attend a game of his favorite team and cheer together. You could even indulge in some activity together as in clay molding or some crafts.

Do not spend your time in getting the so called fancy gift for your child, again this year. In stead put in the time, effort and interest in being together and making it a memorable experience. Something you both will cherish forever. This will show your children you are interested in them and really love them. They will indeed cherish this as the best gift ever.

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